A formal introduction to clothing site community.

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Goal of Gearsmith

The main objective of doing online business is to put my client in control. Usually when people come into contact with a customer the question they ask is "May I help you?" There is nothing wrong with that but I concern myself with their interest. Therefore getting feed back through letting them browse at will and inquire about a product helps to develop a relationship. Also, I have other products that might not be on the site yet.  The originality concept drives my business model. Although popularity is important, people like the idea of being one of the few wearing something. for example, my shoe of choice is the Clark. Lately, people have paid more attention to my feet and that is the same type of reaction I desire for my clients. So, that is the overall goal of what I do and how how I came up with the idea for the title.So, I hope you enjoy this blog from top to bottom. Gearsmith

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Smooth Sale ING

Sales is probably the most difficult area of conducting business. Compared to our dinner plates sales is much like the vegetables. Of course we all enjoy our meat and potatoes. However, the thought of eating our vegetables makes us cringe. The reward for successfully eating our vegetables as children was dessert. Today, our dessert dish for successfully completing the sale is money or other valuable equivalents. The approach creates the foundation for the sale. Many people refer to this as the "pitch". No. People recognize a pitch and once that happens it gets processed as grift and gets knocked smooth out of the park. We do not want that to happen. The first and most common approach is to use the "please" or may I approach. The timid approach works wonderfully when delivered by children. However, it becomes boring and pathetic coming from an adult. After experiencing on-going rejection the next approach is usually to be more aggressive. Yes, ram the product down the customers throat. Or, start treating people like bulls we are grabbing by the horns. Once again an annoying tactic that prints a ticket to no where. Practice and preparation are both keys to getting over the sale jitters. People like confidence and feel as though they are being engaged in an actual conversation. Also, people like to know that they are being prepared and looked out for. For example, right now Samsung has experienced a set back due to a product defect. My previous experience from working in the wireless industry rapid upgrading and speedy development is a common problem. Yes, this happens all of the time. For example in the early 2000 Nextel could not stop producing the "chirp" phones. The demand became so great people would  constantly call for upgrades,troubleshooting,and billing information. The payments were slow though lol. Case and point, every sales manager should use experience based stories like that to lift the spirits of their employees and ensure customers that they will become better. Hopefully, customer service is dominating on the front line and retaining all customers and also getting them prepared to desire our revised product and act on buying it. Smooth sale Ing requires much practice. There is no one way street to landing sales or contracts. Knowledge is also key. Instead of practicing these um...."pitches". Maybe we can trying some good old fashion education. The business report is on the news each day and keeps us abreast to current events. Also, reading about products and studying them are both great life savers when backed into a corner. Once these methods become a regular routine the sales approach ceases to sound rehearsed and becomes a natural habit. Thank you for your time -God speed.  Keep please North Carolina in your prayers.

Finally got a new domain! Go team!                        Official blog soundtrack

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Type/Hype pt. 2 Dollar Diversity

Money is multi-cultural. Money comes in all different shapes and sizes. Money also goes by various names. In fact, I think we make more nick names for the dollar than we do for people. Case and point, money is indeed the root of more than just evil. We all need it to live. So, if money is so one size fits all, why are so many of us without it. My guess would be because we have a narrow view on exactly what making money is. For example, if the dollar is not working for you then you are foolish for working for it. Let's assume we are in the bank and there are ways of earning money at each booth. The longest line would probably be the "earn " line. The earn people love a challenge. In fact the love a challenge so much that they are willing to chase a dream full circle similar to how a dog chases its tail. They have high hopes in the "one day" theory or if I keep working hard things will happen. They love to show up and be told what to do and they are comfortable with processing and constructing and love being relied on. They have the task of getting to work, then doing the work, being effective and proving they they are of value. So, the earn line is packed with people who perform three jobs at one job for one salary. The "earn" people seem very intelligent but they under estimate and fully trust man. The belief that some one wants to pay the next person is a foolish one. Man's greed is difficult to weigh by the pound so the question to pose is if he could get more for less would he? Furthermore would I? Sure. No one is ripping any one off by telling the truth. So the long line of earners are pretending not hoping. Moreover, they are not really working they are just watching and waiting.
Now, the next line of people fluctuates a lot. This line is known as the risk line. The line dedicated to those who love to role the dice. They believe without risk there is no no reward. Although some of that is true it is important to calculate the risk. The focus of the risk line is to keep people coming back. The earners get in on some of this action and they fill out the empty bottom for the green felt table. At first all seems well. They are profiting and gambling seem to be justified means to and end. However, loses start to occur the "earners" have scurried back to work and risk produces no reward. Also, there are problems. Somewhere along the line debt was produces. See, when they pocket was full people could not feel the flattening. The failure to remain calculated resulted in a fall into bottomless pit of red. The bright lights and big dreams sold to you by the casino, stock broker, suppliers from the sidewalk transform into late night visits, hostile demands,  investigations. The complete opposite of the fist full of promises is now just a fist. The constant pounding is hard to come back from. Please be careful.
The last line is the production line. Producers are fun to watch. They are my favorite people. The club is small but the money gets bigger and bigger. They never really kept job and never struck the lottery. No. They used a skill set to produce. After all the world never really revolved around people. People did not come first in the world's creation. So many of us use the land for our good works. Let take the water and mix it with some plants and put in a bottle and sell it. Not a bad idea. Or, they take needle and thread and stitch together clothing. Sound great. Or, they use animals to help them produce great wonderful food s or ingredients to supply markets. Wonderful. The beauty of it all is that it starts out as a method of survival. Over time, word starts to spread and more and more people become interest and growth starts to take place. Much like the start of life it is beautiful to watch. Overall, the uneven divide of wealth does not seem so unfair. In fact, after though we all might meet here again and relize things are working exactly as they should.  God Speed         Promotional TYPE/HYPE T-Shirt


         The best way to ease in to discussing money would be to spin off the CRM models. Previously we went over the "types" of relationships and how to effectively manage them. Now, we can discuss how to truly earn a profit from the product and the relationship with the customer. Today's top issues revolve around type. The type is definitely the hype in our modern day market. The understanding of cultural diversity is the key to success because today the "type " proceeds the product. People are concerned with what type of person John or Jane is. The pop culture shock of marriage and relationships revolves around what type  of relationship a man or woman wants. For example some people like the on and off relationship. Others enjoy the love/hate energy in their romance. Today we have to be more vivid in our descriptions of item than ever before. People require to know what type of leather. In fact they want to know the background of the leather or any material for that matter. So, the coat or couch is no longer selling itself. However, the different types of features within these items are what closes the deal. Although not a new concept type/hype rears its head when land is in drought. People want to make sure they are not wasting money. therefore to specify type gives the psychological comfort they they are making valuable purchases. Of course, we will soon return to the planet of "type" not taking on major concern. However, today type is creating the demand. The type of job or they type of car people have means more currently. The feeling of superiority and control are the main drivers of consumers. Hopefully, that will help people understand how to position their self to increase profits and make the right investments. Check out new website updates ! 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

CRM Don't forget to "M"

Upon being asked what is CRM? We all dash to our marketing text books blow off the dust and regurgitate the good old practice of analyzing data by use of technology in order to improve business relationships...yeah!!! Since we're in the acronym department let's grab a PLC and AIDA throw it in our sales and marketing kit and hit the streets. Also,after your done relating to the customer please do not forget about poor little old management. Relationship management is a huge problem that distorts transactions. Overall, management is diverse and can be done in various ways. However, it is important to note that management revolves around a system. CRM is no different. For example, many relationships revolve around a credit system. The method of saying "your welcome"first in high hopes that you will receive a "thank you" later is a booming practice right now. The main reason why that relationship breaks down is because the customer is perceived to be the beggar and not the chooser.Eventually both parties become the loser due to debt. Next,we have the point system. The system of hope. Basically,the customer believes that if they continue to pile up the points they will receive "something" or a discount. Points always made me feel uncomfortable. The establishment seems to using some mysterious magnetic force to stay connected to me. They seem to want me to get hooked on the points and get me into a reckless shopping habit just for the purpose of gaining some "points". The customer always loses with that system and the house gets it all. The best system is a performance based system. The customer will get rewarded based on performance. In other words, you get what you give. The customer seems to like shirts and buys them constantly, why not reward them with a free shirt. Or, turn consistent & loyal customers on to new products buy throwing it in with their purchase? By far, the performance based CRM system is superior to others. Nevertheless,many establishments refuse to practice it. Enjoy your visit

Tuesday, July 26, 2016



I know it has been a minute since we've spent time together. My apologies are extended to you all. The task the kept me occupied was whether or not to do this blog in video or in text. I decided to tap this one out because I do not want to get hooked on the video. Besides, too many video blogs are corny...just they way I feel...I am sorry. Also I am very good at detecting boredom. The same old talk about business and clothing can crank up the yawn-o-meter. So, today we are going to shake things up and discuss Americas addiction epidemic. Now, this will not cover my addiction or your addition. No this will cover America's addiction to prohibition and the trouble that it has caused. People do not like to be told no. Moreover they do not like being told they cannot have anything they they are a custom to having. For example the average parent trying operate a sugar crack down in the house will find out how creative they're child will become to get to the cookies locked up in the jar way at the top of the cabinet. Adults are no different. The best way to break this down would be A.T.F Alcohol, tobacco, and fire arms. The first to be prohibited was alcohol. Now, they had to blame something for the over intoxication in the first place so they called it the revolution. The industrial revolution or the booming economy was the reason why they continuously persuaded people to drink and party. Once this started to get out of control via thousands of car accidents America calls for the prohibition! No more booze! We must wash our hands clean of the blood! Unfortunately some stains never come out. In fact the prohibition of alcohol lead to to more violence and corruption because a demand was put in place for an itch to be scratched. Much like the child determined to get the cookie,  evil men became creatively ruthless trying to capitalize from this germ of prohibition. Nevertheless, until this day alcohol remains the winner and lives continue to get lost. Tobacco has become an issue in our stream of current events. Who would ever think that there would come a day when a cigarette. can land you in jail. This form of prohibition usually holds hands with dishonesty. There was once a time when many brown people saved in the hot sun to pick tobacco. No one saw any problem with smoking then. However, newly turned tables show more people of color getting richer from tobacco products then ever before. The protesters are the foulest. Why in Gods name would you paint a screen orange, the color of fire, to fuel a non smoking campaign?! Then, with no better choice of word put truth on the cover. A better choice of word would have been concern or please stop. However, truth they simply cannot handle. The government knows raising prices will stop nothing. Also, they know that people will stop at nothing. Much like the determined child after the cookie, they start hitting the parkways and highway searching for for a lower price. The whole while America gets richer from putting you behind bars and charging sky rocketing fines. Indeed, flipping an $8.00 product into a $800.00 violation is a big booming business. Last and definitely not least are fire arms. The future fixation to prohibit fire arms looms over the heads of people all over this country and will have a major impact on all forms of life. Police officers, hunters, soldiers and citizens alike are facing the day when the demand for fire arms will spike and the prices will rise hire than ever before. New Jersey has very strict gun laws so here we are no stranger to demand or infatuation with guns and why they cost so much to get. However, there are other states where guns a part of people's daily lifestyle and must be made affordable and available to protect property and live stock. Recently I did an online survey about the second amendment and fire arms advertisements. What I found to be inappropriate I suggest not be used and carefully answered questions presented to me. Then I became baffled at how are we going to exercise gun control when people recklessly placed a survey online about guns and the right to bare arms. Anybody could have been taking that survey. Children know how to manipulated the Internet. They tell people the are 21 more than the average old person wishes he or she still was. The level of violence in the survey was out of control. Ownership of a fire arm never made anyone tougher. So, why are there pictures of neck snapping and fist fighting? Many gun owners are mild mannered and responsible people. In fact they only own a gun because they live in areas where there are problems such as wild animals, or intrusion. America will justify this level of prohibition through carelessness. Instead of showing guns and people who own them in a combative light, they could try showing them using proper storage and seeking counsel through the local police department before purchasing a gun. Hopefully, better communication becomes a primary method in dealing with this matter. Maybe that is why I never chose to do business in any of those fields. Clothing is my medicine. I hope America seeks help for it's problem before another calamity takes place.     Gearsmith Site           

Sunday, July 17, 2016

I'm Not Hiring

Goal #4  Development

         I value the unemployed people over the employed. The entire job marked revolves around the unemployed individual. For example, they always talk about unemployment statistics. Many offices in America are geared towards the unemployed. In fact the unemployed people aren't causing most of the problems in this country. The employed people are. The unemployed understand that the our entire system is designed to rely upon people first and look after them last. Therefore, they have been forced to create ways to insure that they can take care of them self first and rely on others last. First, let us look at the under employment situation. There are far to many people walking around who have convinced them selves that what they are doing is work. For example, walking around knocking on peoples doors asking them, or rather manipulating them into signing up for a cloudy services is not employment. Also, calling people's home and asking for money towards a non-existent  cause is not employment. In fact, in two meetings I have attended not only had the job descriptions been fabricated but the offices had no chairs, desks, phones, fax machines, computers, or people. Just one person sitting in a office seemingly made for his or herself. Next, let us examine the gainfully employed. These are the individuals that usually come in the form of supervisors, managers, and presidents. The main problem with them is they have no respect for people. So, the average customer service representative is expected to represent and service the customer at the same time. Now, that is like being a cop and a lawyer. No way you can be both. Nevertheless, your so called leader will tell you that is what the job requires. No, the correct way to interpret this situation is serve as my umbrella and keep me dry. Or solve my problem for me and I will make sure you get paid. These kind of people usually are employed for long periods of time and make roughly $60,000-$70,000 per year. However, because of their egos, lack of patience, and combative behavior they usually quit or get fired and then become the employer of the under employed so they can prey on the weak. I have met these type of people.  One of them had the nerve to conduct an interview in shorts and socks and use profanity. Clearly unprofessional and rude. The others usually work in small colleges as administrators or professors that sell "dreams". I choose not to build my business on the back of employees. I would much rather build my business on integrity and respect for my fellow man and development of good character. My client is my soul. My business is my home. My mind is the money. So, sorry guys I am not hiring.  Next time we will do a PSA something different than normal. We don't want to bore ourselves just talking about business and clothing. See you soon. New Site                  

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Stability Part 2

Hello. As promised I have attached a video to continue and complete our previous discussion. Tap to you later.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Goal# 3 Genuineness & Originality

        Wonderful to tap keys with you again. Well, you guys are in for a big treat this will be a two part blog. Part one will be written and the second part will probably be a video. The first though people have is aren't genuineness and originality two different goal. My response is no. At least not to me. I see the overall goal is to combine the two. I never place myself to be critical of any one's business methods. Now days, knocking a hustle  can get you knocked over.  However, I do find that when it comes to this goal people fall short on one or the other side. By definition, genuine means being the same in fact as in appearance. Therefore, the same way I talk should be the same way I walk. All of my merchandise should be exactly how described. Nevertheless, many people will claim to have apples but sell oranges. For example, original items or concepts are intellectual property that belong to the people that created them. Unless by coincidence, it should not be duplicated or nibbled on. We all claim to understand this right? How many business are out there breaking the 10th commandment producing a mini or replicated version of some one's creation. So, originality is a resource many lack. To summarize, the Nike I sell should be Nike not Knockie. No one should sell anything I make unless I give the go ahead or unless they buy it from me. To live by these rules is never easy. I am confident that you will find a path of obedience to stay on. Now, you'll probably need visual assistance to get clarification on what has been discussed. So, sit tight and wait for part deuce. Meanwhile, click below and enjoy the all day 30% discount on all items today.
New Material

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Goal#2- Observation

Check out some favorites
       A big part of what I do involves observation. Many people say one thing and do another. This is why I watch what people wear. Name brands trigger reactions from people. In fact, it is very difficult to be in any merchandising industry without having name brands. For example, there are plenty of people who I know who will wear nothing but Air Jordan sneakers. I have seen men claim to be broke and then go over to their house and see just about every addition of Air Jordan sneaker from the time Micheal entered and left the NBA. Many women have bypassed diapers, rent, bills, just so they could get the Chanel. All have bared witness to the choke hold Polo and Tommy had on the 90's. Therefore, carrying name brands is a very big deal. They always result repeat customers. So, if ever you feel unsatisfied just remember I know what my clients like regardless of what they say. This blog is showing observance and saluting all of the name brands that America grew up with :

Eddie Bauer
Perry Ellis
Mercedes Benz
Fruit of the Loom &

GEARSMITH...some day soon.

God Speed


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Goal Orientation

Goal#1: Communication

   Clothing is one of the most powerful forms of communication. Each day many of us wake up and aim to make an achievement. Therefore, we attempt to make a statement through our appearance. We try tell ourselves that we should not be judged by how we look or dress. However, deep in our hearts we know that is not true. So the idea is to speak through the clothing. The birth of the Urbanomics concept was formed to dig deeper into society's over all view of the inner city and beyond. Urbanomics is not only a way of life or a state of mind. Truthfully, there is a language involved. Far more superior than slang or ebonics, Urbanomics is a way of talking without saying a word. Upon seeing items on my sight you'll notice a few new words or phrases. One that may stand out is Cuddy Buddy! Now most people gasp and vibrate they're lips and say "What in God's name is a Cuddy Buddy!" . That is the intent! And for additional flavor i'll tell you. A Cuddy Buddy is a friend...WITH BENEFITS!!! A great way to refer to a partner. Overall, the point in this is to create as well as revolutionize our culture at the same time. Among the three basic needs, clothing prove be a primary form of social engineering.  Thank you for reading. The next goal will be - LOL sorry can't tell see you later. Godspeed GEAR.SMITH. Click here to go to the store.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Take a look around.

Hello. The time has come for new ideas and fresh concepts for the public. In 2009 I started doing websites and they were more entertainment based. The results were good . However, the creative fulfillment that I hoped to achieve never arrived. Rather than quit, I decided to connect with some new people and get involved with a community of people who had a thirst for originality they need to quench. So, for the past six years I started to work with the team and create clothing concepts that were original to the public and expressed a new train of the thought to the inner-city and other ways of life. I invite you to come and view some of my work as well as some of my friends. Take your time and look around. Afterwards, I will return to tell your more about How the Gearsmith concept was born and run the play list of what we will discus in the future.

Enjoy Yourself !!