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Thursday, June 8, 2017

Understanding & Respecting Elements of the Game

My friend is constantly complaining about her professional problems. Seriously, she has been doing her job for over 17 years and cannot seem to embrace the fact it is her career. She complains about it during the news. She cries a river of issues during sporting events. She lays out the blueprint of problems at the dinner table. Yes, she is very talkative. In fact, she is so talkative that she forgets one important factor...I'm listening. Recently, I decided to provide  resolutions to her issues. I started by explaining that the game that her company is playing revolves around the two elements of fear and anger. I suggested that she use the fear to create awareness. Also, I suggested that she should help them channel  anger  to bring forth supernatural change to her unit's work performance and behavior. I emphasized how important it is to put herself in front of the team rather than behind the team. Obviously, she expressed struggle with my resolve. I can understand that because,like so many others, she had been living under the rock of comfort for the past three years and did not pay attention to current events. The exit of the Obama administration and the entrance of the Trump administration has created tension in every walk of life. Corporations have been forced to quickly transition and prepare for the violent winds of reversal and tremendous quakes of thunderous demands(executive orders). So, they decided to migrate in search of greener pastures. The fear and panic caused companies to carelessly co-opt schools and institutions for hopes of a better future.However, they neglected to realize they were gambling on a generation that has very little experience in an controlled work environment. The safety and security for those who have served companies for the past 20-30 years went right out the window. So, now that companies seem to have  options they express dissatisfaction with who or what they originally had. Due of this, anger has  placed a strangle hold on all relationships both social and professional. Arguments are breaking out in homes because one of the two parties is no longer satisfied and has sought a replacement. The overwhelming blast of betrayal has made it difficult for people to maintain their tempers and react in unusual and unimaginable ways. These elements make leadership roles more undesirable than ever. The most important thought to bare in mind is that hiding behind problems is no means of survival. Maybe, that is why me and my friend are so compatible. She does all the talking and I do all the listening. She provides the problems and I come up with solutions. Coordination and balance are the keys to true success. Our relationship has had close to 20 years of success. There is no way to replace that.

Thursday, March 30, 2017