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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Smooth Sale ING

Sales is probably the most difficult area of conducting business. Compared to our dinner plates sales is much like the vegetables. Of course we all enjoy our meat and potatoes. However, the thought of eating our vegetables makes us cringe. The reward for successfully eating our vegetables as children was dessert. Today, our dessert dish for successfully completing the sale is money or other valuable equivalents. The approach creates the foundation for the sale. Many people refer to this as the "pitch". No. People recognize a pitch and once that happens it gets processed as grift and gets knocked smooth out of the park. We do not want that to happen. The first and most common approach is to use the "please" or may I approach. The timid approach works wonderfully when delivered by children. However, it becomes boring and pathetic coming from an adult. After experiencing on-going rejection the next approach is usually to be more aggressive. Yes, ram the product down the customers throat. Or, start treating people like bulls we are grabbing by the horns. Once again an annoying tactic that prints a ticket to no where. Practice and preparation are both keys to getting over the sale jitters. People like confidence and feel as though they are being engaged in an actual conversation. Also, people like to know that they are being prepared and looked out for. For example, right now Samsung has experienced a set back due to a product defect. My previous experience from working in the wireless industry rapid upgrading and speedy development is a common problem. Yes, this happens all of the time. For example in the early 2000 Nextel could not stop producing the "chirp" phones. The demand became so great people would  constantly call for upgrades,troubleshooting,and billing information. The payments were slow though lol. Case and point, every sales manager should use experience based stories like that to lift the spirits of their employees and ensure customers that they will become better. Hopefully, customer service is dominating on the front line and retaining all customers and also getting them prepared to desire our revised product and act on buying it. Smooth sale Ing requires much practice. There is no one way street to landing sales or contracts. Knowledge is also key. Instead of practicing these um...."pitches". Maybe we can trying some good old fashion education. The business report is on the news each day and keeps us abreast to current events. Also, reading about products and studying them are both great life savers when backed into a corner. Once these methods become a regular routine the sales approach ceases to sound rehearsed and becomes a natural habit. Thank you for your time -God speed.  Keep please North Carolina in your prayers.

Finally got a new domain! Go team!                        Official blog soundtrack

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