A formal introduction to clothing site community.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016



I know it has been a minute since we've spent time together. My apologies are extended to you all. The task the kept me occupied was whether or not to do this blog in video or in text. I decided to tap this one out because I do not want to get hooked on the video. Besides, too many video blogs are corny...just they way I feel...I am sorry. Also I am very good at detecting boredom. The same old talk about business and clothing can crank up the yawn-o-meter. So, today we are going to shake things up and discuss Americas addiction epidemic. Now, this will not cover my addiction or your addition. No this will cover America's addiction to prohibition and the trouble that it has caused. People do not like to be told no. Moreover they do not like being told they cannot have anything they they are a custom to having. For example the average parent trying operate a sugar crack down in the house will find out how creative they're child will become to get to the cookies locked up in the jar way at the top of the cabinet. Adults are no different. The best way to break this down would be A.T.F Alcohol, tobacco, and fire arms. The first to be prohibited was alcohol. Now, they had to blame something for the over intoxication in the first place so they called it the revolution. The industrial revolution or the booming economy was the reason why they continuously persuaded people to drink and party. Once this started to get out of control via thousands of car accidents America calls for the prohibition! No more booze! We must wash our hands clean of the blood! Unfortunately some stains never come out. In fact the prohibition of alcohol lead to to more violence and corruption because a demand was put in place for an itch to be scratched. Much like the child determined to get the cookie,  evil men became creatively ruthless trying to capitalize from this germ of prohibition. Nevertheless, until this day alcohol remains the winner and lives continue to get lost. Tobacco has become an issue in our stream of current events. Who would ever think that there would come a day when a cigarette. can land you in jail. This form of prohibition usually holds hands with dishonesty. There was once a time when many brown people saved in the hot sun to pick tobacco. No one saw any problem with smoking then. However, newly turned tables show more people of color getting richer from tobacco products then ever before. The protesters are the foulest. Why in Gods name would you paint a screen orange, the color of fire, to fuel a non smoking campaign?! Then, with no better choice of word put truth on the cover. A better choice of word would have been concern or please stop. However, truth they simply cannot handle. The government knows raising prices will stop nothing. Also, they know that people will stop at nothing. Much like the determined child after the cookie, they start hitting the parkways and highway searching for for a lower price. The whole while America gets richer from putting you behind bars and charging sky rocketing fines. Indeed, flipping an $8.00 product into a $800.00 violation is a big booming business. Last and definitely not least are fire arms. The future fixation to prohibit fire arms looms over the heads of people all over this country and will have a major impact on all forms of life. Police officers, hunters, soldiers and citizens alike are facing the day when the demand for fire arms will spike and the prices will rise hire than ever before. New Jersey has very strict gun laws so here we are no stranger to demand or infatuation with guns and why they cost so much to get. However, there are other states where guns a part of people's daily lifestyle and must be made affordable and available to protect property and live stock. Recently I did an online survey about the second amendment and fire arms advertisements. What I found to be inappropriate I suggest not be used and carefully answered questions presented to me. Then I became baffled at how are we going to exercise gun control when people recklessly placed a survey online about guns and the right to bare arms. Anybody could have been taking that survey. Children know how to manipulated the Internet. They tell people the are 21 more than the average old person wishes he or she still was. The level of violence in the survey was out of control. Ownership of a fire arm never made anyone tougher. So, why are there pictures of neck snapping and fist fighting? Many gun owners are mild mannered and responsible people. In fact they only own a gun because they live in areas where there are problems such as wild animals, or intrusion. America will justify this level of prohibition through carelessness. Instead of showing guns and people who own them in a combative light, they could try showing them using proper storage and seeking counsel through the local police department before purchasing a gun. Hopefully, better communication becomes a primary method in dealing with this matter. Maybe that is why I never chose to do business in any of those fields. Clothing is my medicine. I hope America seeks help for it's problem before another calamity takes place.     Gearsmith Site           

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